Week 01
> All Star Code > Appendix
The Appendix
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Welcome and Introductions

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!

Command Line

Command line is an essential tool to all developers, learn about what exactly it does in this lecture!

Command Line

Now that you've learned what it's used for you'll practice using it yourself! Get accustomed to it because you'll likely be using the command line daily!


Variables are the building blocks of almost every coding language, in this lecture you'll learn about variables in JavaScript.


Try making and using your own variables in this project!

Growth Mindset

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!

User Input

Getting input from a user is a something almost all programs do. Learn how to get some basic user input in this lecture!

User Input

You've just learned about user input and how to get basic user input, you'll be practicing just that in this project!


Debugging, one of the most important skills in the world of coding. Put simply debugging is the process of fixing errors or other unintended behavior in your code.


Arrays are a fundamental piece of JavaScript that allow for a lot things to be stored in one variable!


Put your newfound array knowledge to use in this project all about arrays!


In this activity you'll be learning about randomness, why it's important and how we can use it.


Time to put what you've learned into practice in this project on randomness!


Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!

Conditionals I

Conditionals! Yet another keystone of coding. Conditionals are extremely useful and you'll learn why and how in this activity pair.

Conditionals I

Using conditionals can be fun and interesting. It might be your first time using them, it might not, either way you'll be using them in this project!

Conditionals II

Going a bit more in depth with conditionals and getting some more practice in before moving on.

While Loops

Loops can do many things, from repeating code to iterating through something! An extremely powerful tool for your toolbet of coding.

While Loops

While (doing_a_project = true) { learning() }


Review some topics from the week while having fun by joining a Kahoot!

For Loops

There's more than just one type of loop! This activity is all about the for loop.

For Loops

For loop project time! The for loop is used all the time because of it's how you're able to adjust it to your needs.

Partner Program

These tech-specific or social-impact specific workshops are designed to deepen students' entrepreneurial, professional, and technical skills.

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!


Functions. Hands down one of the most useful features of nearly any coding language. You'll begin to see why in this activity!


After learning the basics of functions your next activity will be using them!


Taking the power of functions to the next level with parameters!


Try using parameters in using this project to elevate your function powers!


Review some topics from the week while having fun by joining a Kahoot!


Return will elevate your function powers even further! With this you know the basics of functions and are about to practice using them!


Unlimited Power!!! Time for practicing your newfound function powers!

Guest Speaker

Guest speakers are role models, entrepreneurs, and tech leaders who have been invited to visit our virtual classrooms and share their story through a casual and honest conversation.

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!


Review some topics from the week while having fun by joining a Kahoot!

Challenge Zone


Use all your skills and knowledge that you've gathered this week in Project M.A.S.H.

Pre-SI Survey

Pre-Technical Assessment

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!


An introduction to the fantastic and fun p5.js library.


Try out p5.js for the first time in this project!

Draw Loop + Mouse Events

Learn about some of the fundamentals of p5.js that will help you better understand and use this awesome library!

Draw Loop + Mouse Events

Put your new knowledge of the basics to the test in this project!

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!


In this activity you'll be learning how you can use p5.js to create animations!


Time to create your first animation in p5.js! 😄

Breaking Down Large Tasks

An important skill in coding is being able to breakdown large tasks into more workable smaller tasks, especially when collaborating!

Breaking Down Large Tasks

Excercise breaking down large tasks in this awesome p5.js project!

States I

No, not the 50 states, we're talking the property states in p5.js. What's that? You'll find out in this activity!


Tackle this project with your newfound states skills in p5.js!


Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!


Link your computer to github so you can easily save all your work throughout the summer!


Learn about one of the best ways of making and improving a product in the world of coding.

Bouncing Ball I

How can you create a bouncing ball in p5.js? You'll find out in this activity!


Review some topics from the week while having fun by joining a Kahoot!

Images and Sounds

How can we ramp our projects up to the next level? With images and sounds! How can you add images and sounds? Find out here in this activity!

Partner Program

These tech-specific or social-impact specific workshops are designed to deepen students' entrepreneurial, professional, and technical skills.

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!


Review some topics from the week while having fun by joining a Kahoot!



Guest Speaker

Guest speakers are role models, entrepreneurs, and tech leaders who have been invited to visit our virtual classrooms and share their story through a casual and honest conversation.

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!

Design Your p5 Game

Before jumping into this weeks big project design and plan out what you'll be making!

Build Your p5 Game

Once you've designed and planned out what you will be making, jump right into making a game with p5.js! Have fun 😁

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!

Intro to Web Dev

An introductory lecture on web development.


In addition to JavaScript, HTML & CSS are essential to building a website. This lecture will explain why, what these two languages do, and more!


Your first project using HTML & CSS! Have fun!

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!

Block vs. Inline

A lecture on two common ways that page elements are displayed.


Review some topics from the week while having fun by joining a Kahoot!


Use your newfound knowledge of HTML & CSS to fix up this ugly webpage, and turn it into something that looks much better!

GitHub Hosting

In this code along you’ll learn how to host a website on github, for free!

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!

Box Model + Flexbox

A newer way of organizing page elements! Flex!


Review some topics from the week while having fun by joining a Kahoot!


Wireframing is an awesome skill that almost all web developers use, it’s really helpful and something you’ll probably use a lot.

Copy That Website

Choose a website, and do your best to copy a certain aspect of it! It doesn’t have to be perfect, just do your best and make sure to wireframe!!

Partner Program

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!


In this project you’ll practice getting down different website layouts.

Responsive Design

A code along on how websites match mobile devices.

Hired by Super Stellar Games

You’ve been hired by Superstellar Games! They have a website they need you to make! Use your web development skills to get the website to them!

Guest Speaker

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!

Design Your Personal Website

Use the skills you’ve learned from the week to create a personal website just for you! Think of it as a digitial resume, something you can give to people who want to get in contact with you, or show friends and family! Make it your own!

Build Your Personal Website

Use the skills you’ve learned from the week to create a personal website just for you! Think of it as a digitial resume, something you can give to people who want to get in contact with you, or show friends and family! Make it your own!

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!

JS in Browser

In this code along you’ll see an example of how JS is used in websites and what it can do.

DOM + Events

Put the 3 languages you’ve learned altogether in this project!

How To Demo

A lecture on how projects are usually Demo’d, after today you’ll be demoing all your projects!

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!

More DOM

A continuation of yesterday’s lesson on DOM.

More DOM

A project on your newfound knowledge of DOM.


Review some topics from the week while having fun by joining a Kahoot!

User Input

User input is another important part of some websites, in this code along you’ll see how it’s done!

User Input

In this project you’ll be practicing how to get and use user input!


Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!

Objects II

Objects are another fundamental Data type, by this point you might have seen them around, and maybe have an idea of what they are. In this lecture you’ll learn just what objects are!


Review some topics from the week while having fun by joining a Kahoot!

Objects II

Now that you know what they are, you’ll use them in this project!

Partner Program

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!


Now that you know what objects are, you’ll learn about JSON, can you guess what it stands for?

Visualizing the Data

Using your new knowledge of JSON, you’ll visualize data that’s given as JSON.

Visualizing the Data

Using your new knowledge of JSON, you’ll visualize data that’s given as JSON.

Guest Speaker

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!

Pick a Prior Project

You’ve come a long way! You’ve learned a lot, even in just the past few days, with your new skills and development of your other skills, you’ll be improving a prior project in as many ways as you can!

Pick a Prior Project

You’ve come a long way! You’ve learned a lot, even in just the past few days, with your new skills and development of your other skills, you’ll be improving a prior project in as many ways as you can!

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!

Fetch API Request

APIs are an awesome tool, sometimes free and sometimes not. You’ll be using Fetch a decent amount and this is a code along on what Fetch is and how to use it!

API Documentation

A code along on reading API documentation as it can be different from normal libraries, but also understanding it can be more important.

Visualizing the Data II

You’ll be visualizing some Data in this project!

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!


Time for a guided example on using firebase.


A project on firebase, it’s gonna be lit!


Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!

Vetted API

Master using APIs in this challenging project! You’ll be putting all your skills to the test! Do you best, and don’t forget to celebrate failure!

Vetted API

Master using APIs in this challenging project! You’ll be putting all your skills to the test! Do you best, and don’t forget to celebrate failure!

Partner Program

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!

Custom Lesson - LI

A custom lesson + code along!

Custom Lesson Project - LI

A custom project!

Custom Lesson - TA

A custom lesson + code along by your TA!

Custom Lesson Project - TA

Now a project to top it off!

Guest Speaker

Team Building

Get to know your peers by having fun with daily team building activities!

Demo Day Expectations and Prompt

Demo day! The capstone project of ASC! Learn all about it

Demo Day Pitch Prep

It's time to prep for your Demo Day Pitch!

Demo Day Pitch Prep

It's time to prep for your Demo Day Pitch!

Team Building

Demo Day Prep

Demo Day Prep

Team Building

Demo Day Prep

Demo Day Prep


Team Building

Demo Day Prep

Demo Day Prep

Partner Program

Team Building

Demo Day Prep

Demo Day Prep

Guest Speaker

Team Building

Post-SI Survey

Post-Technical Assessment

Cohort Rep Election


Weekly Survey